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Knights of Columbus 
Council 14924

Formed by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, CT, and some of his parishioners, the Knights of Columbus was officially chartered on March 29, 1882.   The Knights of Columbus was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.


Meetings are held in the dining hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM in the Coll Room.


The Assumption Council 14924 is always open to new members.   Join us!


For more information, contact us below

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Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

4101 Old Bethlehem Pike

Bethlehem, PA 18015

Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LPC- Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator

Direct Line: 1-800-791-9209

Pamela Russo - Secretary for Youth Protection - 610-871-5200 x 2204 -

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If you consider our parish your church home, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving to our parish on a weekly basis. You can give by check or cash by placing your donation in the basket, or you can give online.

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