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God is present in his Living Word.  In order to be acted upon, the Word must be heard; therefore, to be heard it must be proclaimed.  The Second Vatican Council returned this liturgical privilege to the laity.  Ministers of the Word, also called Lectors, proclaim the first two scripture readings during Mass.  In the absence of a Deacon, Ministers of the Word also read the General Intercessions.

 Two lectors are scheduled for each Mass, one for each Scripture reading. 


Lectors are called upon to serve approximately once a month.

Training and preparation are necessary for anyone who wishes to be a Minister of the Word.  Each prospective new lector must attend one training session to review guidelines and procedures.  All Ministers of the Word are also required to attend an annual workshop.  This session reinforces procedures and offers a time of prayer and reflection about the importance of the work they do.

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